at Saarland, Germany
📌 Quick Links Infantery Assignement
📌 Summany from the Diary of the German Wehrmacht
1939 - 1940
Assignment of active Divisionen at the Saar country side:
Einsatzbereich aktiver Divisionen im Saarland:
1939 - 1940
* 72. Infanterie Division, Trier
* 76. Infanterie Division, Trier-Saarburg
* 58. Infanterie Division, Trier-Perl
* 95. Infanterie Division, Merzig-Beckingen
* 79. Infanterie Division, Merzig-Beckingen-Dillingen
* 214. Infanterie Division, Beckingen-Saarlouis
* 15. Infanterie Division, Bous-Völklingen
* 60. Infanterie Division, St. Ingbert-Püttlingen
* 52. Infanterie Division, Völklingen-Saarbrücken
* 75. Infanterie Division, Saarbrücken-
* 93. Infanterie Division, Saarbrücken-
* 258. Infanterie Division, Saarbrücken-
* 6. Infanterie Division, Güdingen-Brenschelbach
* 71. Infanterie Division, Lauterecken
✽ 17.09.1891
in: Neiße,
✙ 13.02.1975
Aged: 84
Buried place - Begraben in:
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW from 8. May 1945 1947
Released on 30.Juni.1947
👉 Walter Wollmann (
Generalleutnant Walter Wollmann, 26. August 1939 to 1 August 1940
Generalleutnant Waldemar Henrici, 1. August 1940 to 2. October 1941
ID. activ put up: Germany, 26 August 1939,
In December 1939 she was assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Saarpfalz region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, In Decemberr 1939 to June 1940, Saarpfalz Front, Westwall, in the region Saarbrücken
Participation in the France campaign:
In June 1940 she took part in the France campaign and broke through the Maginot Line near Saarbrücken and marched in the direction of Nacy, France
War graves on the way of the 258th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany -.......,
France - ........
✽ 16 August 1882
in: Trier,
✙ 28 April 1973
in: Trier, Germany
Aged: 90
Buried place - Begraben in:
Trier, Stadtfriedhof
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Feld-B, Grave107/108
Generalleutnant, Theodor Groppe, 26. August 1939 to 30 January 1940
Generalleutnant, Max Horn 30. January 1940 to 31. December 1943
In April 1940 she was assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Saarpfalz region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, 15. September 1939 to April 1940, Saarpfalz Front, Westwall, in the region Merzig-Dillingen
Am 18. September 1939 verließ der Stab der 214.1.D. um 20 Uhr Idar-Oberstein und erreichte gegen 24 Uhr seinen neuen Unterkunftsraum in Schmelz-Außen.
In der Zeit vom 18. zum 19. September 1939 marschierte die Truppe in den neuen Einsatzraum. Befehlsübernahme meldete die Division am 21. September 1939. Von ihren rückwärtigen Diensten waren die Bäckerei-Kp. und das Feldpostamt zunächst in Limbach bei Lebach untergebracht, während die Veterinär-Kp. Quartier in Biel-Bardenbach bezog.
Als Pferdesammelplatz diente der Hof "Gottesbelohnung" bei Außen, während der Hauptverbandsplatz in Nunkirchen eingerichtet wurde. Hier war auch der Kr.Kw.Zug stationiert, Nr. 2/214.
Das Feldlazarett mit dem zugeordneten Kr.Kw.2ug 1/214 kam zunächst nach Hasborn-Dautweiler und ab 25, September 1939 nach Primstal. Nach dem Rückzug der französischen Truppen über die deutsche Reichsgrenze errichtet die San.Kp. mit dem 1. Zug einen Hauptverbandplatz im Krankenhaus in Beckingen, während der 2. Zug den Hauptverbandsplatz in Hüttersdorf betreute.
Participation in the France campaign:
No participation in the Battle of France
War graves on the way of the 214th. Infanterie Division in: 👉 Nunkirchen/Saar, Germany
Hans Heinrich Six von Armin
✽ 6 November 1890
in: Stettin,
✙ 1 April 1952
on: died of cardiac paralysis
in: camp section No. 6 of the
regime prisoner-of-war camp No. 476 //USSR
Buried place - Begraben in:
Camp 476 Cemetery of the sub-camp 6
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Asbest soldiers graveyard Quadrat 1, grave 15
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he surendered in Stalingrad to the russian Arme and was POW from 23 January 1943 to 1952
he died in captivity
On June 4, 1949, by a military tribunal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Minsk Region, he was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to 25 years in forced labor camps.
👉 Hans-Heinrich Sixt von Armin (1890-1952), Familypedia)
Generalleutnant Heinrich Six von Armin,
25. September 1939 to 10 May 1942
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939, in Hanau
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, 1. December 1939 to July 1940, Saarpfalz Front, Westwall, in the region Merzig-Beckingen-Dillingen
👉 15. May 1940 , 95ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Participation in the France campaign:
In June 1940 she participated in the France campaign and broke through the Maginot Line at Merzig and marched in the area of St Avold in Alsace, France
👉 👉 👉 visit - War Graves along the path of the 95th Infantry Division
France - Niederbronn-les-Bains
✽ 12 February 1890
in: Bruchhausen-Vilsen,
✙ 20 April 1952
in Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Lower Saxony, Germany
Aged: 62
Buried place - Begraben in:
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW from 8 May 1945 to 1947
he was released in spring 1947
👉 93th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, (Wikipedia)
👉 93th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
General der Pionere, Otto Tiemann
17. September 1939 to 1. May 1942
Put up:
Germany, 17. September 1939 in Jüterborg
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saarregion for securing the boarder, Westwall,
After the completion of the deployment, the division moved to the Saar Palatinate to secure the western border. At the beginning of the western campaign, the division remained in its positions and took part in the breakthrough through the Maginot Line to Epinal in June 1940. After the French campaign, the division was on leave from August 26, 1940 to February 14, 1941, except for the regular troops.
Participation in the France campaign:
Im Juni 1940 nahm sie am Frankreich-Feldzug.
War graves on the way of the 93th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany -
France -
✽ 20 September 1884
in: Radmannsdorf, Kingdom of Prussia,
✙ 10 April 1973
Aged: 88
Buried place - Begraben in:
Riezlern, Vorarlberg, Austria,
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he surendered in Stalingrad to the russian Arme and was POW from 23 January 1943 released, in October 1955
POW Location: Camp 27, near Krasnoyarsk, in July, they were sent to Camp 48 in Voikovo, where Strecker remained for the next 12 years
👉 79th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
General der Infanterie Karl Strecker
March 1939 to 12. January 1042
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939, in Idar Oberstein
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Saarpfalz region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, September 1939 to July 1940, Saarpfalz and Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, stationary on 12 May 1940 in the region between Merzig and Mettlach an der Saar
👉 20. May 1940 , 79ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Participation in the France campaign:
Im June 1940 she participate in the Battle of France and brock throug the Maginotline defences soudwest of Saarbrücken and marched in the area of Nacy, where they moved into Epinal in France
War graves on the way of the79th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - Weiskirchen/Saar,
👉 👉 👉 visit - War Graves along the path of the 79th Infantry Division
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
✽ 2 Oktober 1889
in: Budapest, Kingdom Austria-Hungary,
✙ 6 December 1974
Aged: 85
Buried place - Begraben in:
Gratz, Styria, Austria,
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW from 1945 to 1955
👉 Maximillian de Angelis (Wikipedia)
👉 79th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
General der Artillerie Maximilian de Angelis
1.September 1939 to 26. January 1942
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939, in Brandenburg
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Mosel region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, September 1939 to July 1940, Saarpfalz and Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, stationary on 31 May 1940 in the region between Orscholz and Borg near the Border of Luxembourg
👉 31. May 1940 , 76ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Participation in the France campaign:
In May 1940 the division broke through the Luxembourg and French border fortifications and marched into the area south-east of Sedan in France.
War graves on the way of the 76th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ......,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
✽ 20 Oktober 1884
in: Falkenau an der Eder, Böhmen,
✙ 2 December 1957
Aged: 73
Buried place - Begraben in:
Vienna, Austris,
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW from 13 April 1945 to 1947
he was released in spring 1947
👉 75th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
Generalleutnant Ernst Hammer
1. September 1939 to 5. September 1942
Put up:
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, 1. December 1939 to July 1940, Saarpfalz Front, Westwall, in the region Saarbrücken
👉 20. May 1940 , 75ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Participation in the France campaign:
Im Juni 1940 nahm sie am Frankreich-Feldzug teil und durchbrach bei Baccarat die Maginot-Linie
War graves on the way of the 75th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany -.......,
France - ........
✽ 19 November 1884
in: Grünberg City, Province of Silesia, German Empire
✙ 28 June 1954
Aged: 69
in: Braunlage, Lower Saxony, Germany
Buried place - Begraben in:
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW by Allied troops from 21. April 1945 to 1947
he was released on 4. July 1947
👉 Franz Mattenklott, (Wikipedia)
👉 72th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
General of the Infantry, Franz Mattenklott
19.September 1939 to 25. July 1940
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 19 September 1939, in Trier
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Mosel region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, September 1939 to July 1940, Saarpfalz and Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, in the region Trier
Occupation force in France:
from 10. May 1940 to 26. November 1940
Participation in the France campaign:
No participation in the Battle of France
War graves on the way of the 72th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ....,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
✽ 29 September 1890
in: Würzburg, Kingdom of Bavaria (Germany)
✙ 28 March 1952
Aged: 61
in: Kempten, Algäu, Germany
Buried place - Begraben in:
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
👉 Karl Weisenberger, (Wikipedia)
👉 71th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
General der Infanterie, Karl Weisenberger
15. October 1939 to 15. February 1941
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939, in Hildesheim
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saarpfalz region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, September 1939 to July 1940, Saarpfalz and Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, in the region Lauterecken
Participation in the France campaign:
In 10. May 1940 she participate in the Battle of France. She crossed Luxembourg and Belgium and reached the Meuse southeast of Sedan.
Occupation force in France:
from 10. May 1940 to 26. September 1940
War graves on the way of the 71th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ....,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
Belgium -......
✽ 15 January 1892
in: Straßbourg,Elsace,
✙ 9 September 1964
Aged: 72
Buried place - Begraben in:
Wiesbaden, Germany,
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Block 39 B-Eastside-Grave 4
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW from 8 May 1945 to 1947
he was released in spring 1947
👉 Friedrich-Georg Eberhardt, (Wikipedia)
👉 60th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
Generalleutnant Friedrich-Georg Eberhardt
15. Oktober 1939 to 15. May 1942
Put up:
Germany, 1. July 1939 in Danzig
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, December 1939 to June 1940, Saarpfalz Front, Westwall, in the region St Ingbert
Participation in the France campaign:
Im Juni 1940 nahm sie am Frankreich-Feldzug teil und durchbrach bei Saarbrücken die Maginot-Linie
👉 25. May 1940 , 60ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Occupation force in France:
from Juli 1940 to November 1940
War graves on the way of the 60th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany -.......,
France - ........
✽ 28 August 1886
in: Kiel, Germany
✙ 6 May 1977
Aged: 90
in: Lüneburg, Germany
Buried place - Begraben in:
Lüneburg, Zentralfriedhof Soltauerstrasse
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Feld-A, Grave-24/25
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
👉 58th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
Generalleutnant, Iwan Heunert
26. August 1939 to 04. September 1941
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939, in Lüneburg
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Mosel region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Ab dem 26. August 1939 war Heunert Kommandeur der 58. Infanterie-Division. Nach erfolgter Aufstellung wurde die Division zum Grenzschutz zwischen Trier und Saarburg eingesetzt. Im Oktober 1939 wurde die Division in die Eifel und im Dezember 1939 in den Raum Trier verlegt.
Ab dem 10. Mai 1940 nahm die Division am Westfeldzug 1940 teil und stieß aus der Gegend von Perl nach Luxemburg vor. Über Arlons marschierte die Division zum Chiers und weiter bis zur Maas im Raum Beaumont. Während der zweiten Phase des Westfeldzuges, der „Schlacht um Frankreich“, nahm die Division am Angriff auf Verdun teil und stürmte anschließend die Festung Toul.
Nach Beendigung des Westfeldzuges wurde die Division als Besatzungstruppe in Belgien eingesetzt. Im Mai 1941 wurde die Division nach Ostpreußen verlegt und nahm von hier aus ab dem 22. Juni 1941 am Ostfeldzug teil.
War graves on the way of the 58th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ....,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
Belgium -......
✽ 4 April 1889
in: Ernsdorf,Reichenbach, Province of Schlesien, Germany
✙ 1. September 1962
Aged: 73
in: Bad Wildungen,Hessen, Germany
Buried place - Begraben in:
Bad Wildungen, Germany
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
he was POW by Allied troops from 12. May 1943 to 1947
he was released on 1. July 1947
👉 Hans-Jürgen von Arnim (Wikepedia)
👉 52th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
Generaloberst der Infanterie, Hans-Jürgen Theodor von Arnim
1. September 1939 to 4. September 1941
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 26 August 1939, in Siegen
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar/Mosel region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Germany, December 1939 to May 1940, tothe Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, in the region Trier and Saarburg
Participation in the France campaign:
In 10. May 1940 she participate in the Battle of France. from Germany she crossed Luxembourg and Belgium and reached Dijon.
👉 2. May 1940 , 52ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Occupation force in France:
from July 1940 to November 1940
War graves on the way of the 52th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ....,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
Belgium -......
✽ 13 September 1886
in: Schubin,Reichenbach, Province of Schlesien, Germany
✙ 27. August 1942
Aged: 55
in: Magdeburg, Germany
Buried place - Begraben in:
......, Germany
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
No - Friedrich-Wilhelm von Chappuis committed suicide on 27 August 1942.
👉 Friedrich-Wilhelm von Chappuis (Wikepedia)
👉 15th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Chappuis
6. October 1939 to 12. August 1940
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 1 October 1934, in Würzburg
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar and Saar/Mosel region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Deployment 1939:
Germany, 25. August 1939 to October 1939, to the Saar Front, Westwall, in the region Bous - Völklingen - Saarbrücken
Deployment 1940:
Germany, October 1939 to May 1940, to the Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, in the region Trier
Participation in the France campaign:
In 10. May 1940 she participate in the Battle of France. from Germany she crossed Luxembourg and Belgium and reached Loire near Nevers..
👉 12. May 1940 , 15ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Occupation force in France:
from July 1940 to November 1940
War graves on the way of the 15th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ....,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
Belgium -......
✽ 16 April 1883
in: Hannover, Germany
✙ 11. October 1940
Aged: 57
in: Jullouville, Lower Normandie, France
Buried place - Begraben in:
Kriegsgräberstätte in Le Cambe, France
Place of tomb - Grabanlage:
Block-47, Grave 232
Prisoner Of War - Kriegsgefangener:
No - Bigeleben died of a heart attack on active Duty
👉 Arnold Freiherr von Biegeleben (Wikepedia)
👉 6th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Lexicon der
Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Arnold Freiherr von Bigeleben
1. March 1938 to 11. October 1940
ID. activ put up:
Germany, 1 October 1934, in Bielefeld
Assigned to the West-Front, French-German border in the Saar and Saar/Mosel region for securing the boarder, Westwall,
Deployment 1939:
Germany, 26. August 1939 to October 1939, to the Saar Front, Westwall, in the region Blies-Valley
Deployment 1940:
Germany, October 1939 to May 1940, to the Saar/Mosel Front, Westwall, in the region Trier
Participation in the France campaign:
In 10. May 1940 she participate in the Battle of France. from Germany she crossed Luxembourg and Belgium and reached Somme and Loire.
👉 15. May 1940 , 15ID Lagekarte - corps Location map:
Occupation force in France:
from July 1940 to March 1941
War graves on the way of the 6th. Infanterie Division in:
Germany - ....,
France - ......
Luxemburg -......
Belgium -......