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German - War Cemetery's
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Star of the Iron Cross.

Iconic Landmark
Military Cemetery

Contact & Disclaimer

" There is ❌ no magic to the document name this disclaimer might as easily be called "terms and conditions" or "terms of use" or "website terms"

📌 Introduction

✅ This website disclaimer is a legal notice covering the basic issues that arise out of the operation of a website. It incorporates a licence setting out the basis upon which a website may be used and a set of limitations of liability.

🚩 The disclaimer has three main functions:

1st. It specifies the basis upon which the website may be used.
2nd. It specifies the copyright.
3th. It specifies the Liability


📌 1st.
License to use the website:

" By using our website, you accept this disclaimer in full; accordingly, if you disagree with this disclaimer or any part of this disclaimer, you shall not use our website"."

📌 Copyright ©

✅ Copyright © all rights with the author (Skr), @ 2015, Reimsbach, Germany. The content of the published website material, photos, content, text, design is the sole property of the author. No part of this publication shall not be reproduced, or translated, or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopied, or taken screen shouts, or storage in and data retrieval system or hot-linked without the written consent of the author.

🚩 Please Note:

At anny offense, to the website terms, the author reserves all right to take legal action against the culprit.


📌 2nd.
Copyright notice:

" The author owns and controls all the copyright and other intellectual property rights on our website."

📌 Copyright ©

✅ ✅ All the copyright and other intellectual property rights on our website, the material, the design on our website are reserved.

Except as expressly permitted you shall not download any material from our website or save any such material to your computer. You may only use our website for your own personal education, and you shall not use our website for any other purposes.


📌 3th.

" We do not warrant or represent:"

📌 We reserved

✅ all the right to discontinue or alter any or all of our website services, and to stop publishing our website, at any time in our sole discretion without notice or explanation; and save to the extent expressly provided otherwise in this disclaimer, you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment upon the discontinuance or alteration of any website services, or if we stop publishing the website

📌 We do not warrant

✅ (a) the completeness or accuracy of the information published on our website;
(b) that the material on the website is up to date; or
(c) that the website or any service on the website will remain available.

(d) The Author reserves all rights, at any time in its sole discretion and without notice or explanation, to discontinue or modify any or all of our website services and to cease publication of our website; and except as expressly provided in this disclaimer, you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment if the services of the website are discontinued or changed or if we stop publishing the website

(e) The author of this website www.saarland.one @ e-mail: info@reimsbach2015.com


📌 4th.
Research Data:


📌 5th.

📌 What is hotlinking?"

✅ Hotlinking is when a website links to an image (or other media file) hosted on an external server (i.e. another website) rather than uploading it directly. This way, the image will be embedded in the new webpage but hosted by the original server, stealing its bandwidth. When looking at a website, it's not always immediately obvious that an image has a hotlink, as it blends seamlessly into the page.

📌 Why should I care about hotlinking images?"

✅ The biggest problem with hotlinking is copyright infringement. Because the hotlink points to a different file, no actual "copy" of the work was made. This technique has created a legal loophole that allows image users to view content they do not own without committing copyright infringement.

📌 Hotlinking images is bandwidth theft"

✅ Another issue with hotlinking is bandwidth. When an image is hotlinked on a website, that website does not have to use its own bandwidth (which is billed by the server hosting company) to host the file. Instead, each time someone views the image, it eats up the bandwidth of the file's original host. If you're a photographer hosting multiple images on your site, this could potentially be a problem.

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2017, 2022 © by skr, the Author, - @ Reimsbach, Germany

Privacy Policy - all rights reserved by skr