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Military Cemetery
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Research Data:
👉 👉 👉 Commonwealth War Graves
👉 👉 👉 Volksbund - graebersuche-online
👉 👉 👉 British Army operations in the Second World War
👉 👉 👉 Landesamt für Soziales Saarland - Kriegsgräberfürsorge
👉 👉 👉 German Standesamt - records of birth and dead certificate
👉 👉 👉 Bundesarchive Military Records 2WW Freiburg (Abt. Militärarchiv)
👉 👉 👉 Bundesarchive WAst Berlin - Personal Documents of Military Provenance until 1945
👉 👉 👉 Deutsches Rotes Kreuz - Wanted relatives missing as a result of World War II and the partition of Germany
👉 👉 👉 Irina V,Bezborodova - Die Generale des zweiten weltkrieges in Sowjetischer Kriegsgefangenschaft
📌 5th.
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